Funny how time flies. Two years ago we were just a few weeks away from opening up the doors to our Beverly retail office. In this, our 100th post, we thought it would be appropriate to reflect a little.
When we created our blog, we set one simple goal for it; create one post per week with content we believed would be relevant to our customers as well as general taxpayers. During that time we’ve gone through two tax seasons, refreshed our website, increased our client base as well as a host of other things. The point you may ask? Well, none of this would be possible without milestones.
Milestones serve to inform us of how far we are in our journey and how much further we have to go. In the short two years of opening our office, we’ve come quite a way from our beginnings. Yet, we still have a long way to go to our self prescribed destination.
With that said, as we prepare to enter into a new year (which many will mark with New Year’s Resolutions), we urge all of you to set goals for yourself along with milestones. That way, when you’re questioning whether you should continue on your journey (or if you have the strength to) you’ll have a pretty clear answer to help you in your decision.
Now back to getting ready for our 3rd tax season…
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